Welcome to the lab!

4 new students joined the lab this semester! Sam, a new masters student will be studying the role that sensory sensitivities play in repetitive behaviours in ASD. Treva, an honors student, will be taking on a joint project with Sam, looking at the impact of sensory sensitivities on social competency in ASD. On the cogneuro […]

4 new 2016 publications posted

4 new publications have been posted including one on audiovisual re-calibration in ASD, one discussing the relationship between eye gaze and white matter development, and two investigating the interactions between the temporal, spatial, and effectiveness aspects of audiovisual integration. The new articles can be found here.

IMFAR 2016

The lab is travelling to Baltimore for the International Meeting for Autism Research, where we will present three studies. Two of our posters are available online. Our poster on visual holistic processing in ASD can be found here, and our poster on the relationship between sensory processing, anxiety, and insistence on sameness in ASD can be found here.