
Please note that at this time the lab is taking applications for graduate students for the 2024-2025 school year – application dates in Dec 2023. We are specifically looking for future students who are interested in using different neuroimaging methods (fMRI, EEG, fNiRS, etc) to study multisensory processing in a basic science framework, as well as in development, aging, and neurodiverse groups. We are also explicitly encouraging applications from equity deserving groups, including but not limited to visible minorities, LGBTQ+, neurodiverse individuals, and otherwise historically underrepresented groups. 

The lab typically takes students through the psychology program or the program in neuroscience. Prospective psychology students should apply through Cognitive, Developmental, and Brain Sciences, and I will on rare occasion take on Clinical Science and Psychopathology students. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you taking applications for the 2024-2025 school year?


What programs should I apply to?

Cognitive, Developmental, and Brain Sciences or the Program in Neuroscience.

Are you accepting clinical applications for the 2022-2023 school year?

I will review applications in clinical, but should note that I do not take clinical students as frequently as CDBS or neuroscience students, and the applicant pool is typically extremely competitive and it is unlikely I will take a clinical student. 

I am not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada. Can I still apply? 

Yes, though the funding opportunities (which are required for entrance) are much, much more competitive. 

Do I need to have experience with children or autism?

No. Much of the work the lab does is basic research, or work with clinical populations that are neither children nor autistic. 

Do I need to be interested in sensory processing?

Yes, as that is the topic that “glues” the lab together.

Where do I find information about the program?

For the psychology program, HERE. For the Program in Neuroscience, HERE.

What is the stipend for graduate students?

Funding information can be found HERE. Note that students joining my lab through the Program in Neuroscience will still be funded through the Department of Psychology, so this applies to all applicants. 

What will make my application better / what skills should I be working on before applying?

Qualitative methodology including stats and research methods, coding ability (for example Matlab or R), and method-specific experience, especially on the coding or analysis side (for example fMRI or EEG experience). 

Do I need to take the GREs?

For me, no. The GREs are known to be biased in terms of both race and sex. Check the program guidelines though, as different programs have specific requirements and some may require GREs at the program level for entrance.